Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Absent-minded Hairdresser

It's been a while since I last wrote here. I forgot my password and of course, I couldn't have access to my own blog. It's like losing your car key or house key. You can only look at them but you know you won't be able to get into them. I hope this won't be happening again. God knows how many times I have lost my personal stuff and most of the time, they were lost when they were still in my possession. The irony is I usually get mad when people lose my stuff even when it is unintentional. Well, it just shows how much I love myself that I am always willing to forgive myself even for some stupid mistakes. Anyway, puasa and Hari Raya are over and done with. If one can wish a belated birthday, I guess I can wish all of you a belated puasa and Raya. Afterall, I believe there must still be some 'serdak-serdak kuih Raya' left in your cookie jars!

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